Star Trek Character Test

Do this incredible Star Trek Character Test and find out who you are!


How do you wear your hair?

In your spare time you...

When you meet the representatives of an alien planet you...

When you see a poor defenceless and injured being you...

When confronted with a beserk Klingon you...

Your favourite food is...

When you go into a bar...

When you see an ensign with a red/yellow shirt on an alien planet you say:

When people enter your office/your work uninvited, you...

When your ship jumps to warp, you...

When the transporter malfunctions, you...

When you encounter a new species you...

Every time something happens you say things like:

Everytime you get close to a woman/man...

What is your favourite song/type of music?

Vash is...

Everytime I sit behind the wheel...

The thing I like most about the 20st century earth is...

When you take a look at your watch...

What is your favourite occupation?

Other people would like to...

Choose your weapon:

When you have to use a computer...

My family:

...and last: Do you want to exclude the other sex?

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